Chanting Japa

There are several forms of meditation; everyone probably has some idea of what meditation is. Mantra Meditation is a powerful yet simple meditation technique that can be accomplished almost anywhere, and can help you clear your mind of all the messy things going on in life. In fact, the word Mantra means “that which delivers us” (Tra) from the Mind (Man).

There are many mantras that one can chant. Chanting the Holy Names of God is a particularly useful mantra to chant, and the Hare Krishna Mahamantra is easy to remember, easy to chant, and is the most highly recommended mantra for this age.

Simply chant:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Krishna, Krishna Hare, Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama

Rama, Rama Hare, Hare

And repeat! It is that easy! But what does this mean?

Hare (pronounced Ha-ray) is a call to God’s energy.Krishna (Krish-na) is a name of God meaning “He who is attractive to everyone:

Rama (Rah-mah, rhymes with drama) means “One who gives happiness to all”

Try chanting this mantra in a quiet place where you can focus on the words. Try chanting just one time. Then try another. By practicing chanting this mantra, you may find that time goes by quickly as your mind is calmed, and you have said the mantra even hundreds of times.

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