What is Bhakti Yoga

Everyone knows Yoga- stretching and working your body to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Many may be aware of the spiritual roots of yoga as well, that have largely been lost in the modern popularity of yoga as an exercise. Did you know that there is much more to yoga than stretching?

The word “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit (an ancient indo-european language from the Indian sub-continent) root word “Yuj” which means “To Link Up”, or “Combine”. Did you know that aside from the modern exercise practices, based on Hatha Yoga, that there are other kinds of Yoga?

In this world that is so full of rat-races, distractions, selfishness, and confusion, do you ever find yourself asking how you can take a step back and focus? Do you wonder why so many crazy things are happening in the world around you? Do you want to break away from that confusion, and try to understand who you really are, and more importantly what role you play in the world around you?

Have you heard of Bhakti Yoga?

Bhakti comes from the Sanskrit root word “Bhaj”, which means “Loving Service”. What ills of the world can’t be solved if we truly loved the people, and even the living things around us? Eradicating the violence, hate, and even jealousy of this material world? What if everyone realized the spark within themselves that is sacred is the same spark that lies within every living being? What if that spark was the spark of the Supreme Reality of this universe? If you truly loved your neighbor, and see that spark within them, what could we accomplish?

Bhakti Yoga is a way of “Linking Up” or “Combining” our individual consciousness with that Supreme Reality- through loving devotional service. People of the world have many ideas of that Supreme Reality. Some refer to it as a universal energy, spirit, or God. By understanding this reality, and our connection to this universal truth we can overcome the ills of this material world, and find a spiritual liberation.

Imagine a world where all living beings are seen as a part and parcel of this Supreme Personality. Where we can all truly be equal. Where we are all connected in loving service to each other, to our environment, to plants and animals, and to that Supreme Reality.

The Bhagavad Gita explains the path of Bhakti Yoga, and how we can transcend beyond the material struggles of this world. How we can realize our true spiritual selves, and serve our communities, our world, and the Supreme with loving devotional service.

If you would like to learn more about the path of Bhakti Yoga, how you can realize your connection to the supreme and the world around you, follow Bhakti Yoga Now on social Media, and reach out to us for more information.

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