Mindful Meditation – Why choose Japa

You may have otherwise heard of Japa as mantra meditation. It is also commonly referred to as chanting by its practitioners. If you are curious on the basics of this simple yet effective practice, please refer to our previous post titled “Chanting Japa”, which explains Japa meditation and how to begin practicing it more in depth. The purpose of this […]

Brahma muhurta – The importance of rising early

0335 a.m….and the world feels…still. That is approximately the time when the Brahma muhurta begins during the month of May. It lasts for 48 minutes. These can be the most meaningful 48 minutes of the day. The Brahma muhurta begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before it.    On a personal note, I have not […]

What is Bhakti Yoga

Everyone knows Yoga- stretching and working your body to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Many may be aware of the spiritual roots of yoga as well, that have largely been lost in the modern popularity of yoga as an exercise. Did you know that there is much more to yoga than stretching? The word “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit (an […]