Mindful Meditation – Why choose Japa

You may have otherwise heard of Japa as mantra meditation. It is also commonly referred to as chanting by its practitioners. If you are curious on the basics of this simple yet effective practice, please refer to our previous post titled “Chanting Japa”, which explains Japa meditation and how to begin practicing it more in depth. The purpose of this […]

Brahma muhurta – The importance of rising early

0335 a.m….and the world feels…still. That is approximately the time when the Brahma muhurta begins during the month of May. It lasts for 48 minutes. These can be the most meaningful 48 minutes of the day. The Brahma muhurta begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before it.    On a personal note, I have not […]

What is Bhakti Yoga

Everyone knows Yoga- stretching and working your body to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Many may be aware of the spiritual roots of yoga as well, that have largely been lost in the modern popularity of yoga as an exercise. Did you know that there is much more to yoga than stretching? The word “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit (an […]

Chanting Japa

There are several forms of meditation; everyone probably has some idea of what meditation is. Mantra Meditation is a powerful yet simple meditation technique that can be accomplished almost anywhere, and can help you clear your mind of all the messy things going on in life. In fact, the word Mantra means “that which delivers us” (Tra) from the Mind […]

Thy will be done…

My will has brought me many places, or so I believed. What seemed to be the highest of highs- and naturally- the lowest of lows. It seems that we can never have one without eventually stumbling upon the other. In my teens and twenties I believed anything possible. I just needed to have enough willpower, and a lot of control. […]

What Is Going On Here?

This year has been filled with uncertainty, anger, violence, and even death. There is racial tension in our societies. People use their power unjustly- powers that were given to them to help others, have been used for harm. There are peaceful protests sullied by further acts of violence and destruction that diminish their cause. Natural Disasters. Disease. This year, we […]

The Secret of Ultimate Victory

One always strives to control one’s surroundings. It’s so natural to each of us. There are many forms and shapes this urge to control may take. In the most basic form, this urge to control is due to fear and attachments in a subtle form. We are filled with dangers around us, beginning from physical threats and going all the […]

How to Walk on the Path of Bhakti Yoga?

Bhakti Yoga is predominantly a spiritual path that lays focus on the cultivation of devotion and love of a person towards the divine Almighty. Bhakti Yoga is not about practicing intricate poses, rather it is a way of connecting with God, and calming your soul. Bhakti Yoga is considered as the Yoga of Devotion as it involves yogic devotional practices […]